Posts Tagged ‘ cars ’

Observing the Little Things About Japan

Aug 5th, 2009 | By | Category: Lifestyle

Bring a keen sense of observation with you when you visit Japan and you will leave with more than the usual photo album and stories of shrine visits, great food, and trains.  The scenes of daily life in Japan are often fanciful, sometimes quite mundane and on other occasions very thought provoking and serene. No […]

Cute Cars, Cherry Blossoms & Temples

Jul 24th, 2009 | By | Category: Lifestyle

Indicative of the contradictions in the ancient yet thoroughly modern culture of Japan: a kawaii (cute) pink car sits beneath a cherry tree on the grounds of a temple in Nippori. Everything kawaii is valued by a certain segment of the Japanese population – usually young Japanese schools girls and female office workers.  But this […]