Construction Frogs

Jul 21st, 2009 | By | Category: Lifestyle, Photo Gallery

Guarding a construction site is serious business but the frogs holding up the barrier below make the view from the street fun for kids of all ages!  This shot was taken by today’s guest photographer, Hugh Ashton, who has teamed up with nine other photographers from Japan to bring you The View From Japan.

Frog barrier Japan

In Hugh’s own words:

Construction work in Japan should be seen as fun, it appears. As well as the uniformed guards with white gumboots, lanyards, and whistles, who stand in front of closed (and locked) gates to stop random passers-by from attempting to go through and throw themselves under a bulldozer, and the pink or purple clown trousers worn by many construction workers, there is an element of playfulness in many items of equipment. Cranes decorated as giraffes, and purple backhoes are among the offerings on many construction sites.

But these frogs brought me up short when I saw them near Shimbashi. I’ve never seen anything quite so wonderful in such an incongruous context for a long time. They were asking to be photographed, so I did so, and they all smiled nicely at me. Now you’d never dream of crossing that line, would you?

The View From Japan is a community photo blog where ten photographers from around Japan share their views with you.  From the traditional to the modern and from architecture to people and events, the photographers all make their home in Japan and offer a different perspective of life in Japan through their lenses.  Stop by and take in the view…

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  1. Well, it is dirty work that, for the most part, sucks big time. Adding a little humor to the job creates a kind of bond among the workers.

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