Posts Tagged ‘ Ibaraki ’

Yomeiri-Fune – Wedding Ships Set Sail in Japan

Jun 10th, 2009 | By | Category: Events, Tokyo and Vicinity

June is for brides – it’s a common saying in the west that is also applicable in Japan but not in the way you might think.  Every June with the blooming of the irises the tradition of Yomeiri-Fune, also know as marriage boats or wedding ships, take to the waters in Japan. It is a […]

Hungry for Fish? Local Fish Markets Across Japan

May 1st, 2009 | By | Category: Food, Shopping

There are over 900 local fish markets around Japan and most of these local markets are much more relaxed when compared to the center of the fish universe in Tokyo at the Tsukiji Wholesale Fish Market. For one thing, the scale of the markets don’t compare to Tsukiji and you don’t have to be worried […]

Japan:A Closer Look at Kanto – Part 1

Dec 29th, 2008 | By | Category: Regional Travel Resources

While the name of this region of Japan may not sound familiar it is one of the areas in Japan most visited by tourists as it includes the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama.  The Kanto region occupies less that ten percent of Japan’s land mass but is home to approximately one-third of the country’s […]