Kimonos Up Close at Meiji Jingu
Jan 20th, 2009 | By Shane Sakata | Category: Photo Gallery, Temples & Shrines, Tokyo and VicinityStunning Kimonos on young women celebrating Seiji no Hi, coming of age day, this past January 12th at Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo, Japan – another beautiful additional to our gallery from my friend, Jason Collin. Thanks, Jason!
In his own words:
“I had already been shooting at Meiji Jingu Shrine in Yoyogi for about two hours and I was getting many of the same kinds of shots. So for this shot I was really trying to find a shot different from all the others I had taken earlier that day. There was also the matter of being able to get in position for any kind of shot because there were many other photographers there jockeying for position, even bumping into you! I was able to get in front of most of the photographers, and get low (one one knee) and frame the shot as seen. I thought the kimonos and especially the bags the girls were holding with them were eye catching, and that anonymity would make them stand out more. “
Dressing in a Kimono is a complicated affair and these young women pull it off well.
Jason’s previous addition The Nihon Sun Photo Gallery was a beautiful shot of Mt. Fuji and you can see more great images from Seiji no Hi by Jason Collin on his website .
These and other great images of Japan can be found in The Nihon Sun Japan Photo Gallery.
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What a great shot! Such an old-school Japanese image.