My Favorite Place in Japan – Different Perspectives

May 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles

Yakushima Michael DowneyMy favorite place in Japan was the subject for this months Japan Blog Matsuri and the entries are as varied as the country itself.   From north to south, from some the places we’ve all heard about to those that will likely never be written about in a Japan Guidebook.  They are all beautiful, if only in the memories of those who visited them and I hoping that by sharing them you will be inspired to visit them for yourself.

This month we had some great participants from the JapanSoc Flickr Group that have been interspersed with links to articles on a number of great Japan blogs.  Enjoy!

Let’s start with an image of Tenshochi - Kitakami, Iwate, Japan by LostInInaka

Tenshochi - Kitakami, Iwate, Japan

CJW presents My Patagonia posted at i, cjw ~.::.~ hiking and climbing in japan.

Mike presents Yakushima - Japan Travel Photos posted at Gakuranman. (top right)

Harvey also presents A trip to Yakushima posted at

Kanmuri presents Ueno Station: Hours of Pleasure. posted at Turning Iwatean.

Tokyofoodcast presents My Harbor: Kaminokae, Kochi posted at Tokyofoodcast, saying, “First time to join matsuri. Yoroshiku!”

C.K. Tse shares an image of Gassho-style (literally “praying hands”) thatched-roof houses in Shirakawa

Gassho Scene 2004

Knowledge bubbles upTony Alexander presents How I Would Entertain Guest in Japan posted at The Soul of Japan.

Honor presents Japanese Countryside -  My Favorite Place In Japan posted at TokyoTopia.

Supreme Nothing presents My Favorite Place in Japan, or Why Does Fuji-san Keep Talking To Me? posted at supreme nothing.

Shibuya246 presents Golf at Mt Fuji posted at Shibuya246.

Thomas Hammerlund presents Rhinos at Yagiyama Zoo in Sendai posted at

Brett Fyfield presents Knowledge Bubbles up from Within posted at Rainbowhill Language Lab. (fountain image on right - see Rainbowhill’s Photo on Flickr)

Andrew Cowan presents The best place in Japan posted at ALT Susono, saying, “My favorite place in Japan is a local izakaya.”

Beer Bar Namba JapanBilly presents My Favorite Place in Japan posted at Tune In Tokyo - how appropriate that his favorite place is anyplace where he can Karaoke with his friends.

Muza-chan presents My favorite place in Japan, Meiji Jingu posted at Muza-chan’s Gate to Japan.

I agree with Muza-chan, the Meiji Jingu Iris Garden is in the precincts of the shrine and is an oasis of calm in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo.

Dave presents My favourite place in Japan, actually the whole Kansai region, posted at The Ramen Blues.

Janne presents Namba posted at Janne In Osaka. (Bar in Namba at Night pictured on the right - see Janne’s Flickr Photos)

Paul Walsh presents Our favorite place in Japan Hiroshima posted at Get Hiroshima Blog with photo courtesy of Rebecca Schmidt below.

Fat Jizo by Rebecca Schmidt

Tickets Please Japan TrainiMorpheus presents My Favorite Place: Rotating Beneath my Feet, referring to the great trains of Japan and posted at Epimetheus. (Tickets Please by pictured on the right - see iMorpheus’s Flickr Photos)

Aimee Weinstein presents My Favorite Place in Japan, the Daibutsu Buddha in Kamakura,  posted at The Weekly Weinstein: Tales of Tokyo Life.

Cindy presents My favorite place in Japan, Mount Koya, or Koya-san,  posted at just a little ちょっと.

Our Man in Abiko presents 10 favourite places - in Abiko posted at our man in abiko.

Deas presents Fushimi Inari Taisha posted at Rocking in Hakata.

KenY-N presents The theatre - my favourite place in Japan posted at What Japan Thinks.

Sarah presents My Favourite Place, Nikko Toshogu, posted at A Canadian in Meiji Japan.

A image of a  Temple gate in Nikko is preseted by indy138.

Temple Gate at Nikko

This image of Tsurunoyu Onsen in Akita is presented by lazysupper.
Tsurunoyu Onsen, Akita

Last but certainly not least we have an image of Mt. Iwate titled “One Cherry Tree” present by jasohill.

一本桜 (The One Cherry Tree)

Japan Blog Matsuri Logo

That concludes the May 2009 edition of the Japan Blog Matsuri.   Thanks to all who participated their words and images - it was pleasure to host and I encourage you all to submit entired to the June edition, hosted by Billy of Tune-in-Tokyo.

So, what’s your favorite place in Japan?  One included here or someplace different?  Do tell us all about it in the comments…

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  1. Wonderful post Shane. You must be proud to have drawn so many entries and run a great contest. Well done! ^^

  2. Quite beautiful…

  3. well put together Shane. some of those photos are very good.

  4. I submitted my picture through the flickr japansoc group and it’s not posted….;;;

  5. Thanks! This was a fun group of posts and pictures to pull together.

    @Tony - So sorry I missed your photo but you must not have tagged it with “Japan Blog Matsuri May 2009” per the instructions in the Flickr group as it didn’t come up when I searched for the term.

  6. […] Give it a thumbs up and review it at Stumble Upon […]

  7. Thank you so much for this very nice round up post, Shane! Otsukaresama…

  8. Yakushima made the list twice! It really is a magical place.

  9. Sarah’s link is going to the wrong place - “Sarah presents My Favourite Place, Nikko Toshogu, posted at A Canadian in Meiji Japan.”

  10. Thank you Harvey! The link is now updated with apologies to Sarah for my oversight.

  11. […] a bit of a break from knives, food, and sake? Please visit the May Japan Blog Matsuri hosted on Nihon Sun to read everyone’s submission on the subject, “My Favorite Place in Japan”, as […]

  12. Shane, what a great post!

  13. Wow. I’m getting homesick for Japan looking at these.

    Bummer I missed this one.

  14. Wow. Thank you so much for publishing my photo. It looks great next to all these other amazing photos…:D Thanks again.

  15. Thanks for putting this together Shane, it really shines. The photographic thread that runs through it is also lovely, and has obviously elicited an emotional response from your viewers. Well done. I’m going to take some time, and get know everyone who contributed just a little more closely.

  16. Thanks for adding me to the carnival!

    Broken link for:

    Harvey also presents A trip to Yakushima posted at

  17. Andrew, It was my my pleasure. (That link is now fixed with apologies yet again, this time to Harvey)

  18. […] have some big shoes to fill after last month’s matsuri, My Favorite Place in Japan, hosted by the Nihon Sun. It was a terrific topic with some excellent entries. So make sure you […]

  19. […] He’s taking over hosting responsibilities from Shane, who ran a very successful Matsuri about favorite places in Japan last […]

  20. […] months since I last posted on the Long Countdown. I even missed the last Japan Blog Matsuri about Favorite Places in Japan, which was a shame because this place would certainly […]

  21. Still not read all the entries from this matsuri. But I discovered an old friend’s blog through this carnival!

    I’ve republished the carnival on my blog to spread some link love around.

    Once again, great job Shane!


  22. […] ever be forgiven if he didn’t write something about budgeting? I can make my excuses about a favourite places in Japan perhaps, having only made it as far as Tokyo last week despite having lived here for 6 years! […]

  23. My favorite place in Japan, the one that holds a special place in my heart, is Mitaki Temple in Hiroshima City:

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