Nihon on the Net – 11/30/08
Nov 30th, 2008 | By Shane Sakata | Category: Nihon on the NetMitsubishi, the world’s biggest tuna trader, imports the bulk of bluefin tuna caught in the Mediterranean to Japan. As stocks of this staple of the sushi platter become scarcer some groups believe that there is a need to impose a partial moratorium on bluefin tuna fishing and to drastically reduce catch quotas.
Is Harajuku in peril? International brand-name chain stores like H&M and Gap are stating to take over the streets of Harajuku and even Elvis is being forced to relocate due to increased rental rates in the area.
If you look at historical maps of Tokyo you would learn that Roppongi Hills is where the warriors of the Ako clan committed ritual suicide and that the Odaiba area was part of the ocean. Historical maps of old Edo help people find find pockets of old Edo in the streets of modern Tokyo (found via Japan Probe).
Looking for Christmas gifts in Tokyo? The Japan Times offers a guide to the shops of Asakusabashi, part Tokyo’s Shitamachi (old downtown). Also do some research on Japan inspired gifts for foodies that can be put together with a quick trip to the local supermarket or department store.
A Japanese salary man recently published a poem stating that “The only warmth in my life is the toilet seat.” Check out some of the cool features that today’s Japanese toilets have to offer.
Makoto Yoshitani is the creator of a popular manga “Otaryman”. The comic book title is a apt combination of two words: “salaryman,” the internationally known word for a loyal, hardworking company employee, and “otaku,” a word often used to describe a socially inept young man obsessed with comics, computers, or anime. In “Otaryman”, Yoshitani chronicles the existence of an office-bound young man who has zero social skills.
Do you ever wonder what it’s really like to live in Japan? In mid-December The Nihon Sun will feature the views that many residents have from there office or residence. Find out how you have your view feature in the article Looking Out My Window in Japan and join us – it’ won’t be all temples and shrines, that’s for sure!
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Image Credit: Flickr, Priceless & JapanSoc logo used with permission
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