Posts Tagged ‘ Wakayama ’

Zen Gardens – Pockets of Tranquility

Jun 8th, 2009 | By | Category: Kyoto, Parks, Gardens & Nature

The beauty and tranquility of a well designed karesansui or dry garden is often spoken of but seldom experienced.  Take some time to visit one in person or simply meditate for a moment upon the images below from some of Japan’s most famous Zen gardens. Banryutei Rock Garden Image Credit: Flickr, Zen garden / Koya […]

Japan:A Closer Look at Kansai – Part 2

Feb 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Regional Travel Resources

Osaka is the largest city in the Kansai region and there is a healthy rivalry between residents of Tokyo and Osaka about which is the best city.  Wakayma prefecture is home to an abundant supply of natural beauty and historic spots.  Both prefectures offer visitors many interesting things to do and see so take some […]