How You Can Win Arcade Mania!

Dec 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Reading Room

080803-arcademania-cover Yesterday, I told you all about Arcade Mania!, a great new book about game centers and the history of arcade games in Japan.  If you have ever played Space Invaders, tried to pick a stuffed toy out of a UFO Catcher or spent any amount of time in an video arcade anywhere in the world this is a book that you will want to read!  It’s loaded with great information about game centers, their popularity and history as well as interviews with game designers and top players in Japan.

Today I’m going to test you on Arcade Mania! trivia and tell you how you can win a copy of this book from Jean Snow, Kodansha International Limited and The Nihon Sun.

How well do you know the video game scene in Japan?  Can you answer these Arcade Mania! trivia questions?

  1. What were game centers in Japan called in the late 1970’s?
  2. What is the name of the Japanese comic art that is featured in many of today’s arcade games?
  3. What are the scribbles that are made on sticker pictures from game centers in Japan called?

All you need to do is answer these three questions correctly and include the name of your favorite arcade game, retro or current, in the comments and you will be entered to win – it’s that simple!

Hint:  You may want to read The Nihon Sun’s review of Arcade Mania! to learn more about this book and why you want a copy of it for your library.

The deadline for entries is December 16, 2008 and the winner will be chosen randomly with and contacted by email.  If no response is received within 48 hours we will pick a new winner so double check your email address before you submit your entry.    The winner will be announced by The Nihon Sun during the week of December 21st.

The Nihon Sun would like to thank Jean Snow and Kodansha International Limited for providing a copy of Arcade Mania! for this contest.

More give-aways are in the works so subscribe to The Nihon Sun RSS feed or subscribe by email to find out the details as they are announced.

Good luck! or Gambate kudasai! as they say in Japan.

Cover Image Courtesy of Jean Snow and Kodansha International Limited

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  1. […] Do you want to add this great book to your library?  Purchase Arcade Mania: The Turbo-charged World of Japan’s Game Centers today or answer some arcade trivia from the book to win a copy of Arcade Mania! by clicking here. […]

  2. […] And one more request that ended up in my inbox is from Shane who has a competition running to win Arcade Mania! so check out the details here. […]

  3. 1) invader house
    2) manga
    3) rakugaki

    Favourite arcade game: Street Fighter 2

  4. 1. “invader house”
    2. manga
    3. purikura rakugaki

    Favorite arcade game (retro): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Here’s proof (me, age six):

  5. OMG Kwech!! SOoo cute! How do you have this to post so quickly?

  6. 1. invader house
    2. manga
    3. rakugaki

    My favourite game was probably virtua fighter. :3

  7. Hmm… on a hunch, I’ll go with….
    1. Invader House
    2. Manga
    3. Rakugaki

    I used to love the racing game “Power Drift“, especially the sit down machine with hydraulics that nearly threw you out of the seat on every bend! ?

  8. 1. Game centers in the late 70s were called “invader houses” after the game Space Invaders, the first game that gave players three lives instead of setting players against the clock, became popular.
    2. The name of the Japanese comic art that is featured in many of today’s arcade games is “manga.”
    3. The scribbles made on sticker pictures from Japanese arcade centers are called rakugaki.

    My favorite arcade game is Police Trainer! It’s not as flashy or popular as other arcade games, I guess, but my friend and I used to play it a lot when we were younger, so I have good memories of it. :)

  9. Does it count if I only knew 2 answers prior to reading other peoples’ entries?
    1) “Invader House” << This is the one I had no idea about.
    2) Manga 漫画
    3) Rakugaki 落書き

    :-) My favorite arcade game was probably Pole Position by default, because I owned it for my Atari Lynx handheld system, and then my dentist office had the actual cabinet unit rigged with a coinless button start system…so yeah. Ha ha.

  10. 1. “Invader House”
    2. Manga
    3. Rakugaki

    My favorite game is Bubble Bobble. I would always seek it, and later its sequels, out in arcades when I was younger.

  11. Wow, I want this book ?

    1. Invader House
    2. ASCII Art
    3. Rakugaki

    Hope I got them right…

  12. 1) invader house
    2) Manga
    3) rakugaki

    Favorite Arcade Game: Super Street Fighter II Turbo

  13. 1. invader house
    2. manga
    3. rakugaki

    Favorite arcade game… Lethal Enforcers.

  14. 1. invader house
    2. manga
    3. rakugaki

    Favorite Arcade Game: Bank Panic

  15. 1- Invader house
    2- Manga
    3- Rakugaki

    Good luck everyone ?

  16. 1- Invader house
    2- Manga
    3- Rakugaki

    I forgot my favorite arcade game: Metal Slug

  17. 1. invader house
    2. manga
    3. rakugaki

    Favorite arcade game: Dragon Quest: Battle Road 2. Never played it, but it sure looks fun (and its Dragon Quest)!

  18. 1 - Invader House
    2 - Manga
    3 - Rakugaki

    My favorite arcade -> Metal Slug, sure! =D
    PS: I’m from Brazil, is that a problem with the shipment?

    Cheers! /o/

  19. 1. Invader House (was going to go with ゲームセンター per Wikipedia, but ‘Invader House’ sounds cooler)
    2. Manga
    3. Rakugaki

    Looking forward to the book. ^-^

  20. 1. “invader house”
    2. manga
    3. purikura rakugaki


  21. And the lucky winner has been announced! Thanks to everyone for entering.

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